The use of mango
Mango is rich in
nutrients, has many effects such as weight loss, digestive support, acne ...
1. Reduce the risk
of cancer
Phenols found in
mangoes as well as the antioxidant properties of mangoes prevents, reducing the
risk of cancer, including prostate cancer. In addition, mango pectin fiber also
helps prevent cancer.
2. Helps to gain
Mangoes contain
starch and when cooked, the starch turns into sugar. Every 100 grams of mango
contains 75 calories.
3. Digestive
Digestive enzymes
in mango help break down proteins, soothe the stomach, reduce acid levels and
help digestion. People who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, frequent
digestive disorders and dysentery may find it a good remedy for these
4. Good medicine
for people with diabetes
People generally
think mango increases blood sugar, but research has shown that this is wrong.
Mango helps stabilize blood insulin levels, especially good for people with
diabetes. In fact, soak the mango leaves in filtered water and leave overnight,
you can drink this water after the leaves. Using this way often, the health of
diabetics will be good to see.
5. Acne Treatment
Acne can not only
be treated by eating mango but you can also apply mango pulp on acne and 10
minutes after cleansing. Mango smoothes clogged pores and prevents the growth
of acne.
It can used making Ice cream?
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